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Acrylic Floor Finish That Stands the Test of Time

An Acrylic Floor Finish For Strength And Durability

Acrylic floor finish displays beautifully in this open commercial kitchen.Close view of an acrylic finish floor that seamlessly blends with various wall components.

An acrylic floor finish is utilized on such floors that are made of quarry tile, sealed wood terrazzo, brick, flagstone, concrete, rubber, asphalt, vinyl composition or just vinyl. When an acrylic floor finish is used to call forth high initial gloss, as well as durability after it is put on the floor, then the user will use what is known as spray buffing. The more gloss needed, the more numerous the acrylic floor coatings need to be. However, no matter what, the maintenance program calls for damp mopping always followed by spray buffing with some kind of speed buffing machinery. Chances are great that you have seen them in the hallways of various high traffic areas, as they are commonly utilized in schools, supermarkets, food service facilities, hospitals, malls and department stores.

Maintenance is rather costly of these kinds of floors covered with an acrylic floor finish, as well as time consuming. At various times, the floor must be completely stripped as the acrylic tends to turn yellow after so many uses. Once stripped, it has to be allowed to completely dry, followed by a good liberal coating of the finish. Each coat must then dry at least 30 minutes, longer depending on the humidity level. Then recoating is suggested, until a high gloss is attained. Most take 3 to 4 coats. Spray buffing is recommended after each mopping each night.

An acrylic floor finish is fine if you are up to doing that much constant work on your floors to get them to stay clean and gleaming well. However, much less work along with much less time invested in floors is yours with the use of Silikal.

Silikal is composed of methacrylate resins for patch repair, and they then have created enhanced MMA that puts out a tremendously beautiful finish on floors in the above stated facilities as well as offices and office parks, auditoriums, and actually any industry whose floors need the vast protection that Silikal can bring to them. Interestingly enough, Silikal can be laid on any substrate floor and it will work the same, providing more than a lifetime of high impact resistance as needed, along with a totally seamless installation that positively will not encourage any mold or bacteria since in actuality it is totally non porous. Because this type of flooring is best suited for a commercial projects that needs an anti slip flooring, various anti slip levels can be achieved. As you can see, even safety is considered high on the list of advantages that can be gotten through the use of Silikal.

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