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GREAT Tools to Design Your Own Custom Floor Sample.

Use Silikal America’s color mixing tools to match your floor with your decor!

Color mixing tool system displayed.

Granted bare concrete has its own problems. First of all it’s barren, ugly and depressing, and that’s a given of course, but more importantly it’s dusty. Each time someone walks over the bare concrete dust rises, not to mention what happens when the people use handtrucks over it, and it stands to reason that forklifts raise even additional dust. This is the reason why Silikal is such a welcome addition to the dust shedding concrete problems, as it thoroughly and permanently seals the concrete so that no more dust ever rises from it again. Silikal has gone one step further now, with its color mixing tool.

There is no law that states that business concrete flooring has to be so dull and boring the way that bare concrete is, thus this is why this color mixing tool was designed. You see, it has 4 different color flakes in it that can even make the concrete floor as beautiful and attractive as say, terrazzo floors have.

If your commercial floors need to match a certain color scheme, you will have this opportunity as well as this color mixing tool can be provided in up to 8 different color mixes. This ensures that even your floors can reflect the color schemes that are throughout your entire business. Long ago psychologists proved that color affects human emotions. Color enlivens, soothes, energizes us and even inspires us. Let’s face it color affects us every day of our lives, affecting not only mood but also our thoughts.

So now, you can see the extreme wisdom of using Silikal for your bare concrete floors. The fact that they offer this new color mixing tool for the Silikal flooring is yet just one more reason why so many people are thrilled with this amazing company and are delighted with this new tool.

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